It's a long road.

After the deletion of my first blog, with hundreds of posts and thousands of followers, I lost momentum and steam and gave up on this forum for a while. The CIA wasn't really as concerned with blogging as they had been in the past, because it seemed that new mediums were going to take the helm, between facebook, instagram, twitter, and snapchat. But then a few weeks ago my phone rang. The number read 4265. That was it. I knew before I picked up who it was. The name of the person didn't even matter. I would never know their real name. They voice on the other end told me to check my Paypal account, which had been dormant for years. Sure enough, there had been a deposit in the last week. I asked if there was to be an emphasis or direction for things, as there had been before, but they said to go with what came to me. They had been following my activities online and offline and were comfortable with the direction of things. End of call. So here it is. It is the beginning of February, and we are online again. A lot has happened since we left. Fracking, which drew so much of my ire early on in the days of the original Lawson Review has now become mainstream. And just as I suspected, it is every bit as polluting as it seemed it would be, if not even worse. Honestly, back in those days we thought Americans would do more for themselves to keep themselves safe from polluters, but it turns out that Americans are largely uninterested in what causes cancer, and more preoccupied with sports and cheap food, and willing to deal with cancer and illness as a byproduct of their lifestyle. I always assumed that if people only knew what sources of pollution were out there they might be willing to offer money in support of those that fought the dark side, but now the dark side is in bed with both sides, so our political arena is no longer the place to wage the fight to protect Americans. And I think that is why they have me back online, trying to build something new. They know that this voice will be subtle, but in the context of finding those few important people scattered throughout society, hoping to plant seeds of the future in those quiet minds that will make a difference in their own community. So, welcome back. We'll be here to address the thick and thin, and occasionally review our favorite backpacks and post our favorite picture. We will strive to offer attention not only to the environments that need our help, and raise awareness of the politicians that are helping, but also leave a little room for that corner of our brains that is more subtle, nuanced, and less concrete. We are no longer one. Now we have a few voices. Join the conversation. Here we go.


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